Get Involved!
What Can You Do

What We Do

The club takes an active role in special events such as:

  • The Christmas Bird Count as part of the North American National Audubon Society count.
  • Stewardship of the Englishman River Estuary, which includes the removal of invasive plants. In November 2015, Ducks Unlimited gave the Wetlands Conservation Award to the Arrowsmith Naturalists Club for the work of its members, who have been monitoring and preserving wildlife habitat at the Englishman River Estuary for more than a decade.Come join us pulling broom for about 90 minutes. on the first and third Thursday of each month at 9:30 at the foot of Shelly Rd. The group goes for coffee afterwards.
  • Conducting various nature surveys such as the Coastal Waterbird Survey and the Beached Bird Survey
  • Supporting the Nature Kids BC.
  • Supporting and networking with other organization concerned with nature conservation.

Bird Counts


Brant Counts


Canada Geese

Other Citizen Science


Beached Bird Surveys



The Englishman River Estuary

The Arrowsmith Naturalists are committed to “know, enjoy, and preserve nature”, an important commitment of which is the stewardship of nature. Since 2005, in an agreement with The Nature Trust of BC, our group have been stewards of the Englishman River Estuary.

Much of our work has been to remove invasive plants such as Scotch broom and spotted knapweed from the estuary, but we also assist in replanting areas which have lost much of their native vegetation. As stewards, we also monitor practices which may be harmful to the restoration of the estuary lands and the wildlife which inhabit the area.

We have accomplished much in removing invasive plants from the estuary, but much remains to be done. Please feel free to join us in our work. We meet at either the Shelly Road or the Mill Street entrances to the estuary on the first and third Thursdays of most months. A great way to meet like minded people. Because our work is subject to the whims of weather and other factors, please contact Dave Hutchings at to receive up-to-date information of meeting times and places.